dimension.sh is a small public linux shell host (or pubnix system) that is open to anyone who wants to learn, experiment, and socialize with other like minded people.

We offer the following services to our members:

Membership is open, all we ask if you follow a few rules. If you're interested in joining, fill in the form to request an account.

Migrating to a new host

nikdoof @ 2025-03-23 10:00:00

It has been a long time coming, but we're finally here.

I've received a few requests over the last week to get the OS updated, but I also took the step to migrate the system to a new host to try and reduce the costs a little. So our upcoming migration will be over to Rocky Linux 9, hosted by OVH in Canada.

The new IP is and 2607:5300:205:200::5d6d, and everyone's data is synced up to the current time (2025-03-23 10:00 UTC), so feel free to login and check everything out. We'll have a end date and final migration time decided in the next few days which will consist of a shutdown of all services and a final homedir sync to the new system. You'll receive an email with further details nearer the time.

Any questions or issues on the new system then feel free to drop a mail to sysops@

Upcoming OS Upgrade

nikdoof @ 2024-07-13 10:30:00

As CentOS 8 Stream has hit end of life, we're now facing the choice of what to upgrade to. With no official upgrade path supported, we're looking at a re-install to CentOS 9 or swapping to another supported EL distribution.

No fixed date for the upgrade is set, but we'll post on the website, the mailing list, and Mastodon when we decide. In the meanwhile, please backup your data! While we do keep encrypted backups of /home its best to have a personal backup of all your files as well.

Patching - 2024/04/01

nikdoof @ 2024-03-31 09:16:00

Morning everyone,

Monday morning (2024/04/01) at around 09:00 AM UTC s1.dimension.sh will be rebooted to complete some patching.

If you have any issues afterwards then please drop a mail to sysops@dimension.sh

Patching - 2023/02/13

nikdoof @ 2023-02-12 15:38:00

Monday morning (2022/02/13) at around 07:00 UTC s1.dimension.sh will be patched and rebooted. This is your friendly warning to save any open files you have running in tmux sessions.

After patching if you encounter any errors, drop a email to sysops@dimension.sh.

Patching - 2022/12/05

nikdoof @ 2022-12-01 15:40:00

Monday morning (2022/12/05) at around 07:00 UTC s1.dimension.sh will be patched and rebooted. This is your friendly warning to save any open files you have running in tmux sessions.

After patching if you encounter any errors, drop a email to sysops@dimension.sh.

Patch Log


Updated: twtxt-1.3.1


Installed: slrn-1.0.3a-14.el8.x86_64


Updated: toot-0.36.0-1.el8.noarch


Updated: mkuser-2.0.2-1.el8.noarch


Updated: lowdown-1.0.2-1.el8.x86_64


Updated: pb-2022.11.03-1.el8.noarch


Updated: catgirl-2.1-4.el8.x86_64


Updated: toot-0.30.1


Updated: weechat-3.6-1.el8.x86_64


Installed: neomutt-5:20220429-1.el8.x86_64