Donate is a free to use service, always has been and always will be, but it does have some associated costs to operate the service. We keep costs down to a level that our admins can support financially even with no donations.

If you wish to contribute towards the costs of operating the service, we appreciate it, but don’t feel like you have to. Just by being a member of you’re supporting the service.

How will you use my donation?

Your donation will support the cost of running the servers, any excess donations will be re-distributed to other tilde projects on Liberapay to support the wider community.

What is your donation goal?

Our current goal is £2.00/week which will allow us to expand ‘s1’ to the next size of VM at DigitalOcean, and give us to have more resources to play around with on the system.

How to donate

At the moment, we accept donations via Liberapay.

Donate with LiberaPay

If you want to donate another way, contact root at to discuss alternative methods.